Michael Kutschenreuter
Michael Kutschenreuter
General Manager
Michael, who has a financial background, spent more than 25 years of his career with multinational companies.
Michael speaks fluently German, English and French and basic Arabic.
- General Management and Consultancy experience in the MEA region for more than 10 years.
- 2011 – 2017 acting as General Manager for the MENA Hub of Heliocentris Energy Solutions AG.
- 2008 – 2011 Supervision of EPC contracts for Dubai Duty Free and Project Management for the Development of an Unconstrained Air Cargo Demand Forecast Study for Dubai Airports.
- 2005 – 2007 Successful general management of the largest German Corporate Real Estate Company with USD 5 billion assets under management.
- 2001 – 2005 General Management experience in Telecommunications industries with sales focus on MEA region.
- 6 years Project Management experience in Algeria and Iraq.
Work Experience:
Extensive international responsibilities including following skills and expertise:
- Change Management.
- Strong leadership skills to motivate employees and teams.
- Implementation of cross border industrial projects.
- Developed experience in restructuring and value management.
- Broad knowledge in project financing.
- Optimization of asset management.
Special skills and experience: